How to fix the Dock position and Dock flickering in Fedora 20, Gnome Shell 3.10.x.x !

Look at the following screenshot. The screenshot displays the misaligned Dock bar. It (Dock) flickers when the user tries to search for an application or tries to switch between open windows. Most part of the dock will not be visible if the user has many applications added to the ‘Favorites’ menu. After messing with everything …

How to change the font size and window size of Xterm ?

1. Create a file named: .Xdefaults in /home/user 2. Copy/Paste the following in that: !———————————————————————————– !after editing .Xdefaults it may be reloaded with: !xrdb -load ~/.Xdefaults xterm*VT100*geometry: 94×28 xterm*font: -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal–20-200-75-75-c-100-iso8859-1 xterm*background: black xterm*foreground: white xterm*loginShell: true xterm*scrollBar: true xterm*rightScrollBar: true xterm*title: XTerm xterm*iconName: XTerm xterm*saveLines: 50000 xterm*jumpScroll: true xterm*scrollTtyOutput: false xterm*scrollKey: true xterm*alwaysUseMods: true xterm*metaSendsEscape: …

Install GRUB from Ubuntu/Fedora Live DVD to their respective / Partition.

I have everything under /. There are no separate /boot partition and I’m using Windows boot-loader to boot into Fedora and Ubuntu. Using Ubuntu: (Ubuntu is installed in /dev/sda7) 1. Boot into Live Environment. 2. Open Terminal and execute the following commands: $sudo mount /dev/sda7 /mnt $sudo grub-install –force –boot-directory=/mnt/boot /dev/sda7 $sudo update-grub Using Fedora: …

How to install Vmware Workstation 9.0.1 on Fedora 17 or Upper (with Kernel-3.9.10-100.fc17.x86_64)

Step 1: Go to download page of the VMware Workstation 9. Step 2: Select and download VMware-Workstation-Full-.x.x.x.bundle. Step 3: Open Terminal. Step 4: Switch to root user. $ su password: Step 5: Install libraries and kernel headers. #yum update #yum install kernel-headers kernel kernel-devel gcc make Step 6:Copy Linux version.h to modules. # cp /usr/src/kernels/`uname -r`/include/generated/uapi/linux/version.h …

Linpus Lite – an Alternative to Fedora Gnome ?

¨Linpus Lite¨ is a Fedora Based free to use Disto which comes with a heavily tweaked Gnome Shell. It comes with Chromium as its default Web Browser and loaded with all the media playback plugins/codecs you might require. The package manager¨ is tweaked to look like the Ubuntu Software Center with an easy way to …

How to install Nvidia Drivers on Elementary Luna ?

Open Terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T): 1. [Run command] :- sudo apt-get install nvidia-current ———————————————- Enter password when asked, Press Y. ———————————————- 2. [Run command] :- sudo nvidia-xconfig ———————————————- Reboot. Thats all. ———————————————-

Portable web browser for Ubuntu Linux. Tips on how to carry your Firefox Browser with you on Linux Platform.

If you are ever in a situation when your HDD got busted and you are left alone with nothing but a Ubuntu ISO; If you find installing Flash Player and Firefox Add-ons every time you boot up the system is annoying, then here is a way to resolve that.In this following article I will describe …

Solved! “Blogs may not be hosted at naked domains.”

Blogger offers two publishing options for your blog: hosting on Blogspot ( and hosting on your own custom domain ( – Notice the “WWW” here !). The problem with this is if you have a domain: “” and if you try to link only “” with “”  (Without the WWW) you will get an error …